Why Abya and other cloud gaming services are in high demand by big tech

Despite the gaming world being primed and ready for a breakout cloud gaming service, none have reached prime time quite yet and have struggled to deliver on promises (ie. Google Stadia), providing lack luster experiences. The market remains largely untapped, but that very well may change with the new generation of wireless technology popping up around the world.

As big tech service providers role out 5G coverage slowly but surely, they're very interested in showing off the power of their shiny new towers. Let's face it, no one's impressed with streaming a measly 4k movie, but a 4k game on the other hand, delivered at max graphic quality with near zero latency, now that's something to marvel at!

Enter Abya.

What is Abya? It's one of the best kept secrets in tech, but not for long. Its a cloud gaming service with some big tel-co's and game developers at its door desperate to not miss out on the big cloud gaming transition ahead. We've already seen Facebook snatch up the small Spanish cloud gaming company Playgiga for a cool $78 million and here we have another company with arguable superior software to Playgiga primed for launch.

Ultimately, the gaming world will inevitably follow suit of the home video world and predominantly play high quality games on the devices they already own. Cloud gaming is not a matter of "if", but "when". Companies like Abya, are in prime position to find themselves with some big tech cohorts pushing their service to millions in the not so distant future.

Tech Disrupt
